Can I Rely on DNA Test Results?

DNA tests are becoming pretty popular nowadays. While they used to be an elusive and complicated test that not everyone could get, the technology has advanced a lot, and it’s now becoming more accessible to regular people.
All you have to do to find a DNA test right now is head online, find a testing service, and order an at-home DNA test. It’s really that simple.
But can you rely on the results?
Since DNA testing is so simple, there are tons of people who remain skeptical of the results. Whether you’re getting an Ancestry DNA kit to make a DNA family tree, or diving into your roots for different reasons, it would be best to get accurate results.
And don’t worry, as long as you collect the sample properly and you choose the right genealogy service, there’s a low chance that the results are unreliable.
DNA tests are complex, even if getting one yourself is pretty simple nowadays. On top of that, there’s a wide variety of DNA tests available. For example, Ancestry DNA kits are different from DNA tests to determine whether someone is more likely to develop certain genetic diseases.
So today, we’re taking a close look at modern DNA tests, how they work, the type of data they use, and other factors to help you figure out whether or not you can rely on the results.
Read on to learn more.
How Do DNA Tests Work?
A big reason people are skeptical of modern DNA tests is that they don’t know how they work. However, rest assured that these are tried and tested scientific methods of determining one’s genealogy that can produce reliable results. And the more you understand the method, the more you can trust it.
Remember, we’re talking about ancestry DNA kits here. These are modern tests that you can use to figure out your exact ethnicity based on your DNA and the data collected from many individuals. These are different from DNA tests designed to test the likelihood of developing specific diseases, which is a completely different story.
When you get DNA testing kits from, myHeritage, or LivingDNA, you receive an ancestry DNA kit. These are kits where you either collect a swab or spit it into a tube to provide a DNA sample, then send it back to the lab for testing.
When the samples arrive at the lab, scientists use computers to analyze the sample and digitize it. The result is a string of codes and numbers incomprehensible to humans and can only be decoded by algorithms that companies keep a secret.
From there, the researchers can track paternal ancestry through the Y chromosome while analyzing maternal ancestry through the mitochondrial DNA. This is how they can send you results that show your ancestry based on your DNA.
This is a complex and specialized process conducted by individuals. So, as long as you get the tests done by a reliable company that goes through each step with close attention to detail, you can rely on the results.
Can I Trust DNA Test Results?
Generally, DNA tests produce reliable results. If you choose the right DNA testing service that pays close attention to detail when conducting the tests, then it produces reliable results. The process used to trace a person’s ancestry through DNA tests is highly scientific, and the technology and concepts behind it have been proven.
However, it’s understandable to feel hesitant about DNA test results. After all, you can learn a lot from DNA tests, and sometimes, the information may not be pleasant. So, calling the tests inaccurate might be the “easy way out.”
With that said, there are a couple of factors to consider before determining whether you can rely on the DNA test results you receive. And to help you out, we’re taking a look at these factors in this section.
The Raw Data
First of all, the DNA test results will only be accurate if you submit the right data. The raw data with ancestry DNA kits is your saliva sample. So, you have to make sure to take extra care when collecting the sample to ensure that you don’t contaminate and tarnish the data.
This can be hard as different DNA tests come with different instruction sets. However, if you get a DNA test from a reliable testing service, it should come with instructions. Before opening anything you will use for the test, you have to make sure to read the instructions.
From there, follow the instructions closely. Some DNA tests require you to fill up a tube with your saliva, while others require you to swab your cheek. Once you collect the data, make sure to store it properly and send it over right away.
This is to ensure that they can process the data as soon as possible to ensure accurate results.
The Type of DNA Test
Additionally, it’s important to understand the type of DNA test that the company is giving you. DNA tests are designed to trace ancestry and genealogy on both the maternal and paternal sides, and tests only trace paternal ancestry. At the same time, there are tests designed to check your likelihood of developing certain diseases.
Ideally, you’d want to get either an autosomal DNA test or a mitochondrial DNA test for tracing ancestry, as these produce accurate results. Remember, you need to understand what you want to learn from your DNA test results, as that determines what type of test you should get.
The Testing Service
The last factor that determines whether or not you can rely on DNA test results is the testing service provider. Nowadays, there are many companies that claim that they can accurately trace your ancestry and lineage through DNA tests. However, not all of these companies can provide you with accurate results.
It’s best to go for testing services that have wide data sets that they can use as a point of comparison for your DNA. The wider the data set, the more you can rely on the results. With that in mind, DNA testing services like MyHeritage, Nebula, and Ancestry are known for their large data sets, which is why they are a popular option for many people.
Again, you have to ensure that the testing service can provide you with what you need. This means finding testing services that can give you the exact DNA test that you’re looking for so you don’t end up wasting time and money.
DNA testing is a fun service that’s only become accessible recently. And if you find the right testing service, you could receive some interesting and reliable results.
Generally, you can trust DNA test results, especially if you collected the data properly. However, you have to understand that you might learn something that you don’t want to know. And if this happens, you need to be ready to accept the truth.
And once you think it’s time to try out an at-home DNA test yourself, you need to find the right service. So, make sure to research and read up on which testing services offer the best experience to ensure you receive reliable results.
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