What Can DNA Testing Teach You About Your Health

DNA testing is becoming very popular nowadays. In the past, DNA tests were only available to a select few for specific reasons. However, they are now available on both the consumer and medical levels, which opens up a lot of doors for many people.
But now that DNA tests are available in the form of at-home DNA tests and DNA testing clinics, what are the things you can learn from your DNA test?
After all, the results of your DNA test are pointless if you don’t know how to interpret them or what to look for.
With that said, DNA tests are great ways of finding a lot of information and knowledge. For example, you can get an ancestry DNA kit that can trace back your ethnicity to the exact percentage as well as people you may be related to.
These DNA tests are the most readily available for consumers, but did you know you could learn a lot about your health as well?
DNA and genetics are the basis of life. You can view our DNA as instructions for our body, so decoding the DNA can tell us a whole lot. In fact, even if your test results only reveal your ancestry, you can dig a bit deeper and find out key information about your own personal health.
So, in this article, we’re looking at how DNA tests get their information, and some of the key things DNA tests can teach you about your health so you know what to expect when you get the results.
Read on to learn more.
Understanding the Different Types of DNA Tests
The first thing you need to know about DNA tests is that there are different types of tests available. These different tests are used to find specific information. So, you can get DNA tests to check your ancestry, but you can also get tests to determine the likelihood of you developing certain diseases and conditions.
Additionally, there are many subtypes within these two categories. So, if you’re opting for a DNA test, make sure you check what type of test you’re getting, so you understand what information you’ll be getting.
To help you understand which tests you need to get for different purposes, here’s a quick breakdown of the two main categories for DNA tests.
Medical Genetic Tests
This type of test is only available in a clinic. Scientists and doctors conduct these tests to analyze your DNA and determine whether or not you’re likely to develop specific diseases and medical conditions.
Many medical conditions are genetic. So, if you have a history of certain diseases like diabetes in your family, these tests can determine how likely you are to develop the disease yourself.
Ancestry DNA Tests
These are the most common types of DNA tests available. The advantage of these tests is that you won’t have to go out to a testing clinic to get one. Instead, you can order an at-home DNA test kit from companies like Ancestry, MyHeritage, and more. When the kit arrives, all you have to do is follow the instructions on the box to collect the sample and send it back.
From there, scientists use computers and advanced algorithms to analyze your DNA and take a look at your ancestry. Some DNA tests only look at paternal ancestry, while there are many others that consider both paternal and maternal ancestry.
With this information, you can figure out your ethnic makeup, what races are in your DNA, and potential long-lost relatives. On top of that, since certain races and ethnicities are more likely to develop some diseases, you can also use it as a reference point for your likelihood of developing these conditions.
With that said, Ancestry DNA tests don’t test for your likelihood of developing a disease. So, you can’t use these tests in the same way as medical genetic tests, which is very important to remember when analyzing the results.
What Can I Learn from a DNA Test?
If you want to learn about your likelihood of developing certain diseases, we recommend getting medical DNA tests. These are designed to check for these things, and while they won’t tell you anything about your ancestry, it’s still very useful information.
However, even if you opt for an at-home DNA test from some of the newer companies and testing services, you can still learn some medical information.
Here are some of the things you can learn from your DNA test, even if you didn’t opt for a medical genetic test.
Ancestry & Ethnicity
Firstly, DNA tests tell you about your ancestry and ethnicity. It can help you find long-lost relatives, determine the races and ethnicities from which you descended, and more. However, to learn more information about your ancestry, lineage, and relatives, the testing center needs to compare your data with a large set of information.
So, if you want comprehensive test results about ancestry and ethnicity, we recommend going for testing centers that have a large dataset. The more people they can compare your DNA with, the more accurate the results.
Chances of Developing Diabetes
You can use DNA tests to trace your lineage and learn if your family has a history of diabetes. And if they have a history of diabetes, that means you have a high chance of developing it yourself.
Additionally, there are certain minorities in the US that are more likely to develop diabetes than others. For example, data shows that Alaskan Natives and Native Americans have a higher chance of developing diabetes compared to the Black, Hispanic, and Asian American communities.
So, if your DNA test shows that you have large amounts of these ethnicities in your DNA, you may have a higher chance of developing diabetes from a statistical standpoint.
Chances of Developing Cardiovascular Disease
Cardiovascular disease is one of the leading causes of death in America. Non-Hispanic black adults have a higher chance of developing these diseases and experiencing fatal stroke. A lot of DNA testing centers nowadays conduct tests to search for the gene that makes you more likely to develop cardiovascular disease, which can lead to you taking steps to reduce the chances of you developing the disease.
Risk of Developing Other Hereditary Diseases
There are many diseases and medical conditions that are passed on through genes. For example, having a history of cancer in your family means you are at a higher risk of developing it. The same goes for cystic fibrosis, Alzheimer’s, kidney disease, and even obesity.
While hearing that you’re more likely to develop certain diseases can be tough, it is necessary if you want to take the appropriate steps to protect yourself. That’s why DNA tests are a great way to give yourself a proper understanding of your health and the steps you can take to ensure your body is in tip-top shape.
What do you have to lose?
DNA tests can show you a lot of information. It can show you your paternal ancestors, maternal ancestors, and even long-lost relatives. On top of that, certain DNA testing companies also conduct tests to see if you’re more likely to develop certain diseases based on your genes.
This is why there are so many people getting DNA tests nowadays. These tests are now accessible and easy to find. And since they can tell you a lot of information, they are a great way of discovering more about yourself.
So, if you’re interested in learning about these things, you may want to check out the DNA tests available for you. Don’t worry; in today’s market, you’re spoiled for options.
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